Scott was looking for a way to do meaningful work and came across the opportunity to volunteer as a Spanish interpreter.
“For the most part I work as a Spanish Interpreter, cultivating clear and concise dialogue between doctors and patients to make certain quality health care is provided to Spanish speaking patients. I have also translated at food distributions, the Holiday Toy Shop and Coat Drive.
The experience overall has been incredibly rewarding. Not only are the staff warm, friendly, and fun, but the patients are a pleasure to work with, too. Having patients let you into their health care process is an intimate and special thing. I think they understand that. The role of an interpreter holds immense power as they serve as the medium between patients and doctors. This power comes with real responsibility. It is critical to make sure patients understand everything that is happening in the room, from the lab results to new medications the doctor prescribes.
As a result, developing trust is key to having a valuable doctor’s visit. As you begin to interpret for the same patients repeatedly, faces become familiar, and soon enough this trust develops into a relationship. Patients are incredibly gracious and appreciative of the work the staff, doctors, and interpreters do to ensure they receive proper health care.”