
(650) 347-3648

If you are in need of food, medical services, shelter, or any of our counseling or referral services, please contact our client service department at the number above to schedule an appointment.
Do you need Financial Assistance? Click here to Apply.


Food Hours
Monday – Friday
9 am – 4 pm
9 am – 12 pm

View our coverage area, types of assistance and more.



(650) 347-3648

Si necesita alimentos, servicios médicos, de cualquiera de nuestra consejería, o servicios de referencia por favor contacte nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente al número que aparece arriba y haga una cita.

Necesita ayuda Financiera? Haga Click aquí para Aplicar.


Distribución de Alimentos
Lunes – Viernes
9 am – 4 pm
Jueves 9 am – 12 pm

Vea nuestra área de cobertura, tipos de asistencia y más.



(650) 347-3648





Housing & Shelter

Housing assistance, emergency rent / utility assistance and eviction avoidance

Homelessness Prevention

Samaritan House helps families avoid homelessness with emergency rent and assistance with utility bills. Rental assistance continues to be one of the most important and common needs of our clients as it allows families to avoid eviction and remain in their homes. This is one of the least costly and most effective services we provide to meet the housing need of our clients.

Housing Placement and Stabilization

Case managers work with clients to explore what contributed to their housing instability and address those issues. They provide support with housing applications, qualification for housing programs, and work closely with landlords to create more housing opportunities for our clients.

Coordinated Entry System (CES)

Samaritan House administers San Mateo County’s Coordinated Entry System program – a county-wide collaborative initiative which includes all 7 Core Service Agencies. This program was designed to streamline and prioritize access of limited resources for the most vulnerable San Mateo County residents seeking homelessness services. Every individual in need of somewhere to sleep in San Mateo County is referred through Samaritan House to an appropriate shelter.

The main objective of this program is to divert clients from shelter and best utilize shelter space available, when possible. Using all available resources, we support them in helping solve their housing crisis.

Shelter Services

Samaritan House operates three shelters throughout San Mateo County to provide immediate and interim housing for those in need. Safety, warmth, sustenance, and healthcare are the essentials we start with to help homeless individuals become self-sufficient. Comprehensive, personalized case management and services include: counseling, Redi-clinic care, meals, job search assistance/ financial coaching and assistance, housing referrals, transportation assistance, and various community gatherings to encourage socializing and to build clients’ self-esteem. Our shelter locations are:

Safe Harbor Shelter: Located in South San Francisco, Safe Harbor offers emergency and short-term housing options in a 105-bed shelter. More than 350 homeless individuals are served at Safe Harbor each year.

Pacific Emergency Shelter: Opened in 2021, Pacific Emergency is a 74-room shelter located in Redwood City. This past year, more than 150 individuals were housed at Pacific.

El Camino House: Opened in 2022, El Camino House is  a 44-room site in San Mateo. More than 100 individuals were housed here last year.

Need housing assistance or shelter? Reach out to Samaritan House client services at (650) 347-3648.

69,000 Nights of safe and warm sleep provided to shelter residents

Samaritan House


4031 Pacific Blvd
San Mateo, CA 94403
(650) 347-3648Map

M-W & F 9am - 5pm
Th 9am - 12pm (Closed 12pm - 5pm)
Cerrado en jueves de 12pm – 5pm, sabado y domingo

All services are offered in English and Spanish.
Todos los servicios se ofrecen en inglés y español.


2396 University Avenue
East Palo Alto
(650) 294-4312Map

M-W & F 9am - 5pm
Th 9am - 12pm (Closed 12pm - 5pm)
Cerrado en jueves de 12pm – 5pm, sabado y domingo

All services are offered in English and Spanish.
Todos los servicios se ofrecen en inglés y español.


1740 Marco Polo Way Ste 9
Burlingame, CA 94010
(650) 347-3648Map

M- F 1pm - 4:30pm

All services are offered in English and Spanish.
Todos los servicios se ofrecen en inglés y español.