
(650) 347-3648

If you are in need of food, medical services, shelter, or any of our counseling or referral services, please contact our client service department at the number above to schedule an appointment.
Do you need Financial Assistance? Click here to Apply.


Food Hours
Monday – Friday
9 am – 4 pm
9 am – 12 pm

View our coverage area, types of assistance and more.



(650) 347-3648

Si necesita alimentos, servicios médicos, de cualquiera de nuestra consejería, o servicios de referencia por favor contacte nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente al número que aparece arriba y haga una cita.

Necesita ayuda Financiera? Haga Click aquí para Aplicar.


Distribución de Alimentos
Lunes – Viernes
9 am – 4 pm
Jueves 9 am – 12 pm

Vea nuestra área de cobertura, tipos de asistencia y más.



(650) 347-3648





Family Sharing Program

You can make a difference for those in need this holiday season. It’s as simple as picking out special gifts for a child whose family faces financial difficulty and delivering the gifts and food to the family.

The Family Sharing Program (FSP) provides a wonderful opportunity for individuals, families, businesses, churches, and groups to provide personalized holiday food and gifts directly to low-income families. Donors select the size of the family they wish to assist. Donors are welcome to help more than one family to spread the holiday spirit.

As a Family Sharing Program Donor, we will match you with Samaritan House client family/ies who need assistance this year. Family sizes range from two to more than eight with Donors choosing the size of family they wish to help following the FSP spending guidelines. Gifts are for children 17 and younger with optional gifts for adults in the household. Our expectations for FSP are that Donors spend $90-100 per child for gift/s, $30-35 for gifts for each adult, and $50-60 per family member for food.

After receiving the client family’s information, Donors contact the client family to find out specific needs and gift wishes and arrange a delivery time. Donors shop and then deliver the food (can be a grocery store gift card) and gifts.

Important Note for supporting a healthy community: We recommend that Donors and client families wear masks during deliveries and that deliveries be done outside where the client family lives or another outside location convenient for both the Donor and the client family.

Key Dates for FSP for 2024

October 22: Registration to be a FSP Donor for 2024 begins–see links to Registration forms below. Note, FSP is a popular program so Donors are encouraged to register as early as possible to participate. Donor registration will close as soon as there are enough Donors for 2024.

November 4-December 7: FSP Volunteer Coordinators send client family information and FSP instructions to FSP Donors.

December 15: Last day for Donors to make deliveries to client families

To register to become a FSP Donor