
(650) 347-3648

If you are in need of food, medical services, shelter, or any of our counseling or referral services, please contact our client service department at the number above to schedule an appointment.
Do you need Financial Assistance? Click here to Apply.


Food Hours
Monday – Friday
9 am – 4 pm
9 am – 12 pm

View our coverage area, types of assistance and more.



(650) 347-3648

Si necesita alimentos, servicios médicos, de cualquiera de nuestra consejería, o servicios de referencia por favor contacte nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente al número que aparece arriba y haga una cita.

Necesita ayuda Financiera? Haga Click aquí para Aplicar.


Distribución de Alimentos
Lunes – Viernes
9 am – 4 pm
Jueves 9 am – 12 pm

Vea nuestra área de cobertura, tipos de asistencia y más.



(650) 347-3648






Free Tax Preparation (VITA) at Samaritan House


This year, Samaritan House will complete tax returns in person at 4031 Pacific Blvd, San Mateo. There will be no virtual appointments. Please click here to sign-up for appointments.


Our VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program, which provides the free tax preparation help, will be open from February 4th to April 4th. This means that tax returns will be completed within this timeframe.


If you have tax questions, or will not use our tax services this year and want additional resources, you can call Samaritan House’s tax hotline at (650) 523-0804. You can also call the front desk for general resources or information at (650) 347-3648.


The United Way of the Bay Area also has a place to search for other local tax sites, which may offer drop-off, or in-person appointments. Please visit their site, here:


The IRS offers a few different options as well. Please visit their site, here:


Federal tax returns must be completed by April 15, 2025.

This year’s tax process using in person tax services:


First, schedule your appointment.


Then, gather all your required tax documents.


Next, show up to your appointment at 4031 Pacific Blvd, San Mateo, with your documents. A greeter will be there to greet you.


You will need to complete a tax intake form on basic information such as contact info about you and your family members.


A Samaritan House tax preparer will then review your information with you. You will drop off your documents with the tax preparer. The tax preparer will work on your tax return.


Once the return is complete, a quality review preparer will speak to you to confirm all the information is correct.


Only when you’ve reviewed the tax return and confirm that the return is accurate will the return be submitted. Once filed, you will receive a copy of your filed tax return.

Click here to view Samaritan House’s 2025 tax flyer.