
(650) 347-3648

If you are in need of food, medical services, shelter, or any of our counseling or referral services, please contact our client service department at the number above to schedule an appointment.
Do you need Financial Assistance? Click here to Apply.


Food Hours
Monday – Friday
9 am – 4 pm
9 am – 12 pm

View our coverage area, types of assistance and more.



(650) 347-3648

Si necesita alimentos, servicios médicos, de cualquiera de nuestra consejería, o servicios de referencia por favor contacte nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente al número que aparece arriba y haga una cita.

Necesita ayuda Financiera? Haga Click aquí para Aplicar.


Distribución de Alimentos
Lunes – Viernes
9 am – 4 pm
Jueves 9 am – 12 pm

Vea nuestra área de cobertura, tipos de asistencia y más.



(650) 347-3648





What do you want your legacy to be?

Designate a gift to Samaritan House through a will, trust, or other planned gift and have a lasting impact for generations to come. You’ll join others who want to build a brighter future filled with hope for thousands of low-income and homeless San Mateo County families and individuals.

John Kelly, former executive director and widely recognized as the “Father of Samaritan House,” dedicated his life to helping our neighbors in need. John’s legacy is a lifetime of selfless dedication to improve the lives of those who are struggling to survive. In honor of John, the Samaritan House Legacy Society has a new name, The John Kelly Legacy Circle.

To join the John Kelly Legacy Circle, all you need to do is tell us that your gift is in place. Please give us a call at 650-523-0842 or send an email to [email protected]. We respect your right to privacy and will keep your intention confidential if you wish.


Any asset can be included in a bequest to Samaritan House (through a will or trust) to ensure that your estate will help support those in need in your community. Making a bequest reduces estate taxes, eliminates capital gains taxes, and benefits your favorite charitable organization.

Real Estate

Gifts of real estate are similar to stock. Assuming you have owned the property for more than one year, you may deduct it as a charitable contribution at the fair market value while avoiding capital gains taxes. For gifts of real estate, you may not only make an immediate tax deduction but you may also retain the right to use your property for your lifetime.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is a unique way to give to Samaritan House. In order to qualify, Samaritan House needs to become the owner and beneficiary. No incidents of ownership should be retained. If the policy is paid in full, your charitable contribution is generally the replacement value or cost basis of the policy, whichever is less. Ongoing premiums paid on a gifted life insurance policy also qualify for charitable deductions.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is an irrevocable trust that actually provides for and maintains two sets of beneficiaries. Income beneficiaries are the first set. Income beneficiaries receive a set percentage of income for your lifetime from the trust. The second beneficiary is the charity that you name. Samaritan House will receive the principal of the trust after the income beneficiaries pass away. The CRT allows taxpayers to reduce estate taxes, eliminate capital gains taxes, claim an income tax deduction, and benefit a charity instead of the IRS.

Charitable Lead Trust

A Charitable Lead Trust (CLT) is the reverse of a CRT. Samaritan House will receive the income on the CLT for a set number of years and your heirs receive the residual. Similar to a CRT, CLTs offer current income tax reductions and a reduction of capital gains taxes.

Samaritan House is a 501(C)3 organization. Federal Tax I.D. number: 23-7416272. All donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

For more information on these planned giving vehicles and ways you can leave a legacy gift to help others in your community, please contact our Vice President of Advancement, Jessica Harders, at [email protected]. If you would like more information, please email or call Jessica at 650-523-0817.